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简介:黄家驹(Wong Ka Kui,1962年6月10日-1993年6月30日)籍贯广东台山,是1980年代初至1990年代初香港著名摇滚乐队Beyond的主音及吉他手,被人们称为一代音乐天才,也是香港公认的吉他顶尖高手 。他也是乐队低 ...

『黄家驹中英文双译自典』 1.jpg

『黄家驹中英文双译自典』 2.jpg

黄家驹(Wong Ka Kui,1962年6月10日-1993年6月30日)

籍贯广东台山,是1980年代初至1990年代初香港著名摇滚乐队Beyond的主音及吉他手,被人们称为一代音乐天才,也是香港公认的吉他顶尖高手 。他也是乐队低音吉他手黄家强的二哥,1993年于日本意外逝世。





[编辑] 乐队发展



[编辑] 日本时期

1990年起,Beyond开始于台湾及中国大陆等地发展,知名度渐渐提高。1991年,Beyond于香港体育馆举办五场《生命接触演唱会》。此时日本经理人公司对Beyond感到兴趣,与他们签约,带Beyond往日本及其他亚洲地区发展。同年年尾,Beyond转投华纳唱片,开始Beyond的华纳时代。黄家驹表示这是他们希望有更大自由度去玩音乐。 1992年,Beyond开始长居日本,接下大大小小的工作,其中包括黄家驹最不愿意的游戏节目,Beyond起初以为日本比香港有更大自由度去玩音乐,谁知却依然要装“邻家的小男孩”去得到日本乐迷认同。虽然他们在日本的生活孤独,但在那里能学习得到跟香港不一样的音乐成为了Beyond在日本玩音乐最大的推动力。此时的Beyond,在日本的知名度已慢慢上升,同时亦吸纳到一班日本的乐迷。

[编辑] 逝世

1993年6月24日凌晨,乐队于日本富士电视台录影游戏节目《想做什么 就做什么》(日语:ウッチャンナンチャンのやるならやらねば!)时发生意外,黄家驹不慎由2.7米高台跌下[3],头部着地重伤昏迷,留医六天后于日本时间下午4时15分逝世,得年31岁。丧礼于鲗鱼涌香港殡仪馆举行,遗体下葬于将军澳华人永远坟场;另外九龙塘省善真堂亦安放了其灵位。他的遗作包括有《情人》、《为了你,为了我》、《早班火车》和《海阔天空》等。

[编辑] 逝世以后




[编辑] 专辑



《遥望黄家驹不死音乐精神特别纪念集92-93》(华纳唱片,1993年)- 收录了写予蔡兴麟的歌曲《为了你,为了我》黄家驹演唱版本。 

《祝您愉快 - 致家驹》(滚石唱片,1994年)- 由滚石唱片旗下歌手重唱黄家驹作品之纪念专辑。 

[编辑] 电视剧


[编辑] 电影






[编辑] 主持






[编辑] 黄家驹语录





















[编辑] 个人奖项

无线电视“最佳填词奖”(得奖作品:《光辉岁月》) (1990年度) 








[编辑] 逝世15周年纪念

[编辑] “别了家驹十五载”纪念活动


别了家驹十五载 旧日的足迹座谈会:2008年4至5月假香港多间大专院校及艺穗会举行 

别了家驹十五载 纪念展览:2008年6月2至30日假土瓜湾牛棚艺术村举行 

纪念专辑:由弟弟黄家强及黄家驹生前好友包括昔日beyond战友黄贯中与叶世荣、梁翘柏、邓建明、刘卓辉等合作,把其中五首遗作完成,6月16日出版。其中包括家强填词的《他的吉他》、《结局》、刘卓辉填词的《无人的演奏》、《We Are The People》和《奥林匹克》五首歌曲。专辑还送上了家驹的demo版本,令歌迷可以再次听到家驹的声音。 

别了家驹十五载 海阔天空音乐会:2008年6月10日假香港会议展览中心Hall 3举行,表演单位包括黄家强、黄贯中、叶世荣、黄耀明、太极乐队、邓惠欣(小岛乐队)、林一峰、周国贤、at17、Soler、Kolor。当晚高潮是beyond三位队员再次同台演唱他们的名曲《海阔天空》。 


[编辑] 电台纪念节目




《Made in Hong Kong李志刚》“黄家驹去世专辑”(香港电台第二台,2008年6月30日播出) 

[编辑] 外部链接



黄家驹出殡片段 香港无线电视《灵通天地线》(1993年7月) 

黄家驹逝世前一个月访问片段 香港无线电视《娱乐新闻眼》(1993年5月) 

《海阔天空》 黄家驹遗作(1993年5月) 

《真的爱你》 黄家驹及Beyond成名作(1989年) 

Beyond Music 


Wong Ka-Kui (June 10, 1962 - June 30, 1993) was a Hong Kong composer, songwriter, musician and singer. He was the lead vocalist, rhythm guitarist, and the founder of the Hong Kong rock band Beyond.

He composed more than 90 percent of the songs for Beyond and wrote a few award-winning lyrics. Ka-Kui is remembered for his musical talents as well as his unique and powerful voice that is able to convey a number of emotions. His songs are often addressing humanity and social issues such as injustice, war and peace, racism, poverty, family and pursuit of dream.

Wong Ka-Kui had a great influence on at least a generation of Chinese because of his outlook on life and the spirit of never giving up. He devoted his entire life to achieve change in the Hong Kong music industry and also tried to make a difference in the world.

While filming a gameshow for Fuji Television in Japan on June 24, 1993, Wong Ka-Kui fell off a 3 meter platform head first, and was hospitalized immediately. He died after spending several days in coma due to internal bleeding from head injuries.


[edit] Early life

While a teenager, Wong Ka-Kui was greatly interested in European and American music. At age 15, Wong Ka-Kui and his brother, Wong Ka Keung found a broken acoustic guitar. They decided to give it to their neighbor, who knows how to play the guitar. Their neighbor said that it's a bad guitar and rejects the gift. Wong Ka-Kui fixes it and begins to play the guitar himself. From that moment on, he spent most of the time learning music on his own while still working in other jobs[1]. His friends described Ka-Kui as a music maniac because he would never feel tired of playing music. In an interview, Ka-Kui recalled those earlier days as tough and harsh to him. Because rock music has minimal prominence in Hong Kong, hardly anyone understood Ka-Kui's love for Rock N'Roll. His parents said he was useless, and most people thought he was crazy because whenever they saw him, he was doing nothing except playing guitar.

[edit] The formation of Beyond

In 1983, Wong Ka-Kui met Yip Sai Wing, and formed a rock band called Beyond. Yip Sai Wing was the drummer of the band and Wong Ka-Kui was the leading vocalist and guitarist. In the same year they won an award for “Best Band” in a competition sponsored by Guitar Magazine. Paul Wong, initially designed posters and record covers for Beyond, joined the band later on as a guitarist. In 1984, Wong Ka-Kui's younger brother, Wong Ka Keung joined the band as a bassist. Since then Beyond remained an independent band, playing music at nightclubs and schools. In 1986, Beyond self-published "Goodbye Ideals" on cassette tape. Their early styles were mostly hard rock, new wave, post-punk, experimental and avant-garde[2]. Their later manager, Leslie Chan, attended one of their live performances and was impressed by their unique style. As a result, Chan invited Beyond to sign with Kinn's music. However, their hard rock style was not widely accepted by listeners in Hong Kong. Disappointing album sales presented Beyond with a dilemma [1]. In 1987, Beyond released their first album Arabian Dancing Girl. Their music began softened with keyboard, but their album sale still couldn’t meet the expectations. At the same time, they were constantly criticized by other rock bands about commercializing their original hard rock music. In 1988, Beyond released album Modern Stage with some pop songs. For the first time, they included some slow-paced, love theme songs as well as songs with satirical lyrics about their Society. Again, their album sale was not successful, and their management company threatened that no more opportunities would be provided to them if they fail again.

[edit] First Success

Realizing the situation they were in, Beyond released their next album Secret Police with songs that were more in the popular genre. Songs such as 大地(The Land) and 喜歡你(Loving You) from the recording 秘密警察(Secret Police) gained tremendous popularity, followed by Beyond's increased recognition and public appearances. Several songs they composed later proved incredible success as well. They received awards for 真的愛你(Truly Love You) and 俾面派對(Social Party). Truly Love You is a tribute song to mothers, which is one of the best-known songs from Beyond. Social Party is a satire song about the Hong Kong entertainment industry, in which musicians are often asked to appear in unrelated TV game shows.

[edit] Social Concerns

Gradually Beyond became the most popular band in Hong Kong. At the same time marked the turning point of their music career. They paid more attention to the social issues and the ongoing events around the world. Wong Ka-Kui won the Best Lyric award for his touching, epic-like lyric for 光輝歲月(The Glorious Days), which is a tribute to Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, former president of South Africa. In 1991, Beyond visited Kenya and witnessed the poverty and misery there. When they came back to Hong Kong, Ka-Kui wrote a number of songs addressing the serious problems he saw in the trip. The most famous is Amani, which urges to stop wars and demand peace. The Beyond Third World Foundation was created in the same year with profits from the redistribution of an early album.

[edit] Career in Japan

Realizing the restriction on original music in Hong Kong, Beyond decided to redirect their career to Japan. In January 1992, Beyond signed a worldwide management contract with Japanese record label Amuse. His stage name was "Koma"; many fans still blaming this "cursed" name. During the year, they released an album called The Revolution Continues. In May 1993, Beyond returned to Hong Kong with a new album Rock and Roll. Wong Ka-Kui's signature work 海闊天空(Under a Vast Sky, sometimes translated as “Vast Sky and Boundless Sea”) won the Best Original Song award in Hong Kong. Before they went back to Japan, Beyond held an unplugged concert in Hong Kong and Malaysia, which was Beyond’s last concert with Wong Ka-Kui.

[edit] Death

"For us and for Hong Kong, the incident was not merely about the loss of an artist. It was about losing a revolutionary of music." - Paul Wong on the death of Ka Kui.

In order to promote their new record, Beyond participated in the filming of a very popular Japanese game show "Ucchan-nanchan no yarunara yaraneba" in Fuji Television studio on June 24, 1993. The stage floor was wet and slippery. While playing a game, Wong Ka Kui fell off the platform with one of the hosts Uchimura. Ka Kui hit the ground head first and fell into coma immediately. News about this accident was scarcely covered in the Japanese press. However, people in Hong Kong were shocked as soon as they learned about this accident. Realizing the tremendous popularity Wong Ka-Kui had in Hong Kong, people in Japan paid more attention to him, inviting plenty of medical experts to help. At the same time, Beyond's fans in both Hong Kong and Japan kept praying for Ka-Kui. On June 30, 1993, the Japanese representative announced Wong Ka-Kui's death in a press conference. Ka-Kui's funeral procession caused traffic in various major streets in Hong Kong to grind to a standstill, and almost every famous Hong Kong Cantopop singer was in attendance to pay their respects. He was buried in Tseung Kwan O Cemetery.

[edit] Influences on Hong Kong's music

Another dream of Ka-Kui was to help local musicians. Along with the other members of Beyond, they established a foundation offering assistance to aspiring artists in creating and publishing their works. As the leader of Hong Kong's only band to have transitioned from the underground scene to the mainstream, Ka-Kui has been cited as influential and inspiring by many of today's crop of musicians and bands. In addition, Ka-Kui has often been credited as a positive force in Hong Kong's music industry along with the Godfather of Cantopop, Sam Hui - both noted for creating and setting standards.

[edit] Trivia

 Lists of miscellaneous information should be avoided. Please relocate any relevant information into appropriate sections or articles. (September 2008)

Beginning in December, 2007, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) released a documentary series called 不死傳奇 (A Legend Never Dies), featuring Roman Tam, Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung, Teresa Teng, Wong Ka Kui and Danny Chan. The episode of Ka Kui was aired on TVB on January 26th, 2008. The episode labeled Wong Ka Kui "The Spring Water of Hong Kong Music Industry." 

On November 8, 2005, Hong Kong post office released a stamp collection called "Hong Kong Pop Singers". Wong Ka-Kui was one of the five singers who had their images printed on stamps. 

In a vote conducted by Sina China in 2007, Wong Ka-Kui was one of the Most Missed Celebrity along with Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui. 

Wong Ka-Kui's favorite singer was David Bowie. He admitted that Bowie had a great influence on him. 

There are many tribute songs dedicated to Wong Ka-Kui, including "The Champion of Love" by Japanese rock group Bakufu-Slump, 佢 ("He") by Soler, 祝你愉快 (Wish You Well) by his brother Wong Ka Keung, "Paradise" by Beyond, 抗戰二十年 (Combat for 20 years) by Beyond and 故事 (The Story) by Paul Wong. 

In the last concert of Beyond in 2003, Wong Ka-Kui has been resurrected in the form of a life-size video projection, alongside his former band mates while they sang the song 抗戰二十年 (Combat for 20 years) in memory of him[3]. 

For the Sichuan earthquake appeal, 海闊天空 (Under a Vast Sky) was used as the music for the theme song with the lyrics re-written by Andy Lau. 

[edit] Discography

Goodbye Ideals (再見理想) (cassette) 1986 

Waiting Forever (永遠等待) (E.P.) January, 1987 

A New World (新世界) (E.P) May, 1987 

Arabian Dancing Girl (阿拉伯跳舞女郎) (L.P) July, 1987 

A Lonely Kiss (E.P.) (孤單一吻) September, 1987 

Modern Stage (L.P.) (現代舞台) March, 1988 

Secret Police (L.P.) (秘密警察) September, 1988 

The Best of Beyond Yesterday's Footprints (L.P.) (舊日的足跡) December, 1988 

The Real Testimony (L.P.) (真的見證) December, 1989 

"A Moment of Romance" Movie Soundtrack (E.P.) (<天若有情>電影原聲) June, 1990 

Win Against Your Own Demon (E.P.) (戰勝心魔) June, 1990 

The Fate Party (L.P.) (命運派對) September, 1990 

Hesitate (L.P.) (猶豫) September, 1991 

BEYOND LIVE (Concert) (L.P.) (91生命接觸演唱會) December, 1991 

The Revolution Continues (L.P.) (繼續革命) August, 1992 

The Ultimate Emptiness( E.P.) (無盡空虛) December, 1992 

Beyond Belief (Mandarin) (信念) 1992 

Rock and Roll (TC: 樂與怒) 1993 

Wong Ka Kui's Everlasting Spirit-Special Collection( L.P.) August, 1993 

[edit] Filmography

Cageman (籠民) (1992) 

Beyond's Diary (Beyond日記之莫欺少年窮) (1991) 

The Banquet (1991) 

The Fun, the Luck, and the Tycoon (1989) 

Happy Ghost 4 (開心鬼救開心鬼) (1989) 

[edit] Selected Awards

1989 - won "Song of the Year" award for the song "Truly Love You" at Hong Kong's Jade Solid Gold Awards 

[edit] See also

Beyond (band) 

Wong Ka Keung 

Paul Wong 

Yip Sai Wing 

[edit] Notes

^ a b Rhythm - the Online Magazine to HKVP Radio 

^ China today 

^ 20 Years Ago Today - TIME 

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